The Learning Packages will focus on the model, the structure and the contents to teach statistics in humanities university courses, with a Technology Enhanced Learning approach (namely using a virtual handbook that students could use also with mobile devices).


Strongly based on O1, it will consist of:
1) Define a course syllabus;
2) Develop a set of Learning contents, namely exercises
3) Deliver Video Contents.
1) ALEAS course syllabus will sequence a set of training modules and define, for each of them, the following elements:
– Learning objectives: description of general and specific objectives, as well as associated competences (on the basis of O1);
– Learning activities: sequential description of the activities, definition of students’ and trainer roles;
– Pedagogical approach: definition of the learning theories related to the activities;
– Learning contents: definition of contents, as well as associated materials and resources;
– Evaluation methodology: definition of the strategies used to assess student-teachers’ knowledge and competences;
– Organizational aspects: location, time and resources needed.

The syllabus will address the topics are those typically treated in any first statistics course: univariate and bivariate exploratory (descriptive) statistics, statistical graphical representation of the data, basics of sampling theory, inference for one population, inference for two populations, analysis of variance and regression modelling and some fundaments of probability. following topics:
The idea is to bring the concept closer to the students proposing:
– Main concepts and statistics basilar competences;- Statistics skills for an experimental study
– Statistics for real scenarios (including daily occurences)
– Application of these methods in relevant fields in humanities, social sciences, education, medicine, etc.

2) Following the structure of modules set in Course Syllabus, we will carefully and coherently organize a set of didactic contents:
– Lessons related to the topic of statistics course (slides, filmed lectures, articles of interest).
– Tutorials for execute the exercises;
– A training guide: aiming to guide teacher educators in using the technical features of ALEAS learning hub and resources; it will also guide them in identifying modules and lessons which are relevant to their teaching interests, objectives and contexts.
– Evaluation materials allowing for assessing participants’ knowledge and competences.
– A collaboration space: the platform will offer a wide range of social networking tools to facilitate communication (either synchronous or asynchronous) and collaboration, e.g. forum, wiki, blog, chat, online videoconferencing. These functionalities will facilitate the development of partnerships among teacher educators and EdTech stakeholders, as well as the creation of a sustainable CoP. Furthermore, users will be able to upload their own resources (user generated content).

3) To support the study of the users and to increase the motivation in using the ALEAS platform, the Consortium will design and deliver some video contents.
The videos will have the scope to support the “human side” of the application, reinforcing the link with a strong and rigorous scientific relevance, brought by the teachers involved. The professors will perform some micro-lessons (pills) in order to explain the relevant notions, as defined in the IO1. In addition the video will be also in the form of animated cartoons in order to describe relevant beliefs and convictions about the statistics. Another effect of this approach is to bring the study on a practical field, near with the real-life events.